No matter how big or small, we’re happy to provide you with portable recycling collection bins for your next event! Besides the cost of the bags, there will be NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE as long as the bins are returned clean and on time and the Post Event Form/Photos are submitted in a timely manner. The credit card will be charged $55 per bin damaged or not returned. The ClearStream recycling containers require a special sized liner, which is 40″ x 45″. We recommend a clear bag, so they are easily recognized as a recycling container and not a trash can! We will provide you one free liner per bin you borrow. Each additional liner after that will cost $1.00 each. There is a small Usage Fee to borrow the bins, however, this fee is waived if the Post Event Form/ Photosare submitted within 1 month following your event.
Credit card information is REQUIRED to borrow the recycle bins. The credit card will be used to cover the cost of the bags and as a deposit for the use of the bin(s). CGI does not have the resources to clean the containers! Please help us make sure the bins are ready for the next group by wiping them down before returning. A $25 fee will be charged for bins that come back too dirty/sticky to loan out again! To ensure that we can accommodate everyone’s request this year, a $10 late fee will be charged each week the bins are not returned after the “Return Date.” Credit Card information and an Authorized Signature will be required when you pick up the bins.
Step 1: Complete and Submit the form at the bottom of this page
Step 2: Make arrangements to pick-up and return recycling bins
Step 3: Have a great event and be a Recycling Hero
The Lend-A-Bin Program is made possible thanks to Carmel Dad’s Club, the Indiana Recycling Coalition/Alcoa Public Space Recycling Bin Grant Program, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Sustain Noblesville, and the Carmel High School Environmental Club.
Special thanks to volunteers who generously donate their time and energy to administer the Lend-A-Bin program: Karen Otis, Chuck Fera, Jim Sedoff, Leslie Webb.
CGI is dedicated to building a more sustainable community by promoting wise and efficient use of limited energy and resources and by encouraging reduction, reuse, recycling and composting as a key feature of sustainability. We’re excited to offer the Lend-A-Bin program to encourage and facilitate recycling of beverage containers at community events. The Lend-A-Bin Program compliments other CGI recycling initiatives:
To request recycling bins for your event, you may download an Application and submit it to Chuck at OR you may provide information below. After receiving your application, we’ll contact you to make arrangements for pick-up and returning the bins.
The recycling bins are located at Carmel Dad’s Club Mark Badger Park, 5459 E 131st St Carmel, IN 46033. map
Credit card information is REQUIRED to borrow the recycling bins.