Celebrate our Earth through Art!

This contest is open to all Carmel K-8 students,

scouts, youth clubs, non-profit & religious youth groups.

Packets will be available
Jan. 6 – Feb. 7
Art entries are due by
Fri. Feb. 14, 5 p.m.
Community Exhibits

Vary Mar 22 – May 1
Award Ceremony
May 4

Area youth K-8 are invited to enter the Earth Hour-Earth Day Art Contest. Youth will learn about energy conservation and environmental stewardship through art to encourage sustainable living at home, schools, congregations, businesses and throughout the community.

This community education initiative draws on the energy conservation message of Earth Hour and the earth stewardship message of Earth Day to emphasize the important connection between saving energy, saving money and caring for our beautiful blue planet. We incorporate environmental educational content from E.P.A. Energy Star Schools to inspire youth to save energy through simple actions such as turning off lights, the TV, the computer and other electronics when leaving the room.

Duke Energy Indiana gets almost all of its electricity from coal, the greatest source of air, water and global warming pollution. For Duke customers, saving electricity is one of the easiest ways to save money and be good stewards of the earth.  While the emphasis is on saving electricity, we also invite youth to use their imagination about other ways to live sustainably.

We thank you for your interest in participating with your child, classroom or youth group. Doing something simple is a powerful way to show you care about protecting the future for young people.

Questions? Please contact us at artcontest@carmelgreen.org, and put “Art Contest” in the subject line.