
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving to reconnect with family and friends!  Here’s a quick update on green happenings…

LEAP Water Webinar
This Wednesday, Dec 4, 11:30 a.m., join thePurdue Institute for a Sustainable Future andthe White River Alliance for a discussion on how to manage industrial water needs. The team will also explore the latest research and policy advances in this area and field your questions.  RSVP here.

Green Gift Shop
Are you looking for ways to make your holiday shopping a little greener and earth –friendly? Check out the Green Gift Shop this Thurs. Dec. 5, 1:30-7pm at the Carmel Library.  Local businesses will showcase green gifts that are local, organic, natural, recycled, reused or repurposed. Also, please stop by the CGI table to say “hello”.  Read more.

Solar for CCS
Let’s face it—students are deeply concerned about how climate change will shape their future. That’s why we’re so grateful to have Carmel high school students, Howard, Mira, and Aarini, step up to make a meaningful impact on climate change, clean air, and clean water, all while helping our school district save money that can go directly back to the classroom.  If you support ‘SOLAR FOR CCS’ and want to help these young leaders, please see the survey and click here to learn more.

Unpacking PFAS
On Thurs. Dec. 12, 11 a.m. join the Purdue Institute for a Sustainable Future and Hoosier Environmental Council for a webinar on the health and environmental impacts of Forever Chemicals. You might recall the Indiana General Assembly tried to pass legislation last session that would have made Indiana the least protected state on exposure to PFAS chemicals.  Our own state legislator, Sen. Scott Baldwin tried to sneak in language at the tail end of the session during conference committee but pulled it when there was push back. Be prepared, another PFAS bill will likely be re-introduced in January!  Read more.

Renewable Energy Lobby Day
Save the date on Tues. Jan. 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for Renewable Energy Lobby Day at the Statehouse. Renewable energy is key to sustainability, but we need policies in place to support it. Join with fellow renewable energy advocates to lobby state legislators.  Read more.

Easy Ways to Go Green
Make sustainability your top priority. Everything we do impacts our earth in some way. Change habits that will lessen your impact on our shared home. We can do this together!  Here’s how to calculate your household carbon footprint and some easy ways to go green.

100% of your membership supports CGI’s many free programs. Become a member today 🙂   

Leslie Webb
Carmel Green Initiative 
Become a member!