
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving to reconnect with family and friends!  Here’s a quick update on green happenings… LEAP Water WebinarThis Wednesday, Dec 4, 11:30 a.m., join thePurdue Institute for a Sustainable Future andthe White River Alliance for a discussion on how to manage industrial water needs. The team will also explore the latest research and policy advances in this […]

November 2024 Newsletter

Greetings! Here’s a quick update on green happenings… Vote GreenThis is the most important climate action you can take!  Be sure to research the candidates.  For Governor and state level races, the Indiana green voters guide provides voting records and campaign contributions to help you find out if politicians are prioritizing corporate special interests over voters!   For President, the Grist lays out […]


Here’s a quick update on green happenings… Tipping PointsYeah, this is serious. Check out the current info on tipping points and let’s get to work on lowering carbon emissions at home, work, school, businesses, church and government! Thanks to Bill for the heads up!  Ted Talk   NYTimes Duke Rate HikeHelp Keep the Pressure On!Duke is one of the state’s biggest global warming […]

Carmel Green Initiative Newsletter

Duke Update: Thanks to Mayor WillisAs you know, Duke Energy, Indiana’s largest carbon emitter, is seeking a rate hike ($42 more per month for the average family) to support continued reliance on coal, further contributing to global warming and threatening our children’s future. ·        We extend our gratitude to Westfield Mayor Scott Willis for opposing Duke’s rate case and standing up for families, […]

July 2024 Newsletter Greetings! Here’s a quick update on green happenings… OUCC recommends 62% reduction in Duke rate caseDuke is Indiana’s largest climate polluter and their proposed rate hike doubles down on coal which means higher rates and more extreme weather! Duke wants a $492 million rate hike, but the OUCC says only $184.7 million is warranted based on the evidence and applicable law. […]

May 2024 Newsletter

Greetings! When you celebrate Mother’s Day, don’t forget about Mother Earth!  To match the urgency of the climate crisis and protect the future for kids and grandkids, cut through the noise and focus on high-impact actions.  Consider actions like voting green, electrifying your home and vehicle, embracing solar at home and at school, and demanding that Duke transition to clean […]

February 2024 Newsletter

Happy Valentine’s Day! Go green to show your kids and grandkids some love. Here are some green updates, programs and events… Climate Tipping PointsClimate change is undeniable. 2023 was the hottest year on land and in the ocean, see CarbonBrief overview. The Panama Canal was low due to drought. Though it’s hard to imagine, every fraction of a degree of additional warming will make extreme weather […]

January 2024 Green Happenings

Happy New Year! We hope your year is off to a great start.  Here are some green updates, programs and events… Climate ScienceAmerica’s leading authority on climate change recently released their new report and notes that “In the 1980s, the country experienced, on average, one (inflation-adjusted) billion-dollar disaster every four months. Now, there is one every three weeks, on average.”  The unimaginably […]

November 2023 Newsletter

Greetings! Here are local green happenings and actions you can take… VOTE GREENBe sure to vote on Nov 7!  The Green Voters Guide offers nonpartisan research about the candidate’s views on climate change. Read more. Shred-it and Electronics RecyclingOn Sat. Nov. 4, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Creekside Middle School, you’ll have a chance to safely shred documents to protect against […]