Carmel Green Initiative Newsletter

Duke Update: Thanks to Mayor Willis
As you know, Duke Energy, Indiana’s largest carbon emitter, is seeking a rate hike ($42 more per month for the average family) to support continued reliance on coal, further contributing to global warming and threatening our children’s future.

·        We extend our gratitude to Westfield Mayor Scott Willis for opposing Duke’s rate case and standing up for families, schools and businesses! 

·        Last week, New Albany customers lashed out at a public hearing.

·        After reviewing Duke’s testimony, the OUCC  recommended a 62% reduction in the proposed rate hike and extended the deadline for public comment to Aug 22.   

As Indiana’s largest monopoly, Duke wields substantial influence over the Indiana General Assembly and the IURC. This lack of competition, accountability and oversight has allowed Duke to shape energy policy and pricing with little concern for air, water and climate pollution and coal ash waste. Now is the time to speak out against Duke’s proposed rate hike.  Here’s how…

1.     Sierra Club and Citizens Action Coalition are intervening in this rate case and you can sign their petitions to support their effort: Sierra Club and CAC.

2.     You can also submit comments by email to   For ideas, see comments by CAC and CGI.  The deadline for public comment is Thurs. Aug 22nd  

Solar 101
Join us on Thurs, Aug. 22, 6 p.m. at the Carmel Library for a Solar Info Session.  Find out how to turn your sunny roof into energy savings to protect against future rate increases. You’ll learn about solar technology and the 30% tax credit.  You’ll also learn about the Solar United Neighbor  program that provides expert support throughout the process of going solar. Learn more and RSVP

Indiana Water Summit
On Aug 21-22, join the White River Alliance for the Indiana Water Summit to learn about the complex interests and issues that face our water supply.  Here’s the Speaker Lineup.   Learn more and register.

Native Plant Sale  
On Aug 31, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., join the Indiana Native Plant Society at Holliday Park Nature Center for a native plant sale, with over 1,000 plants. This plant sale is an opportunity to connect with fellow nature nerds and support the INPS. Learn more.

Circular Economy Conference
If you’re passionate about reduce, reuse, recycle and composting, you’ll love this conference.  On Tues, Sept.10, join Circular Indiana to learn from sustainability professionals about advancing circular economy thinking and practices. Learn more and RSVP.

WASTED – Reduce your food waste
Did you know food waste causes over half of America’s landfill methane emissions.  Join us on Thurs, Sept. 19, 6 p.m. at the Carmel Library to learn simple ways to reduce your food waste, including composting at home and compost collection service. Read more and  RSVP.

Environment & Spirituality Summit
On Sunday, Sept. 22, join Faith In Place for the Environment and Spirituality Summit to delve into how spiritual practices can guide caring for Mother Earth to create a healthier world for all. The summit includes a virtual option. Learn more and RSVP.

Indiana Food Vision
Are you worried about how climate change will impact our food supply?  The Indiana Food Vision will provide a strategic road map for equitable food systems so all communities in Indiana can thrive. This survey is for all eaters in Indiana…that means YOU.  Take the Survey.

Easy Ways to Go Green
Make sustainability your top priority. Everything we do impacts our earth in some way. Change habits that will improve our environment. We can do this together!  Here’s how to calculate your household carbon footprint and some easy ways to go green.

100% of your membership supports CGI’s many free programs. Become a member today 🙂   

Leslie Webb
Carmel Green Initiative 
Become a member!