
Here’s a quick update on green happenings…

Tipping Points
Yeah, this is serious. Check out the current info on tipping points and let’s get to work on lowering carbon emissions at home, work, school, businesses, church and government! Thanks to Bill for the heads up!  Ted Talk   NYTimes

Duke Rate Hike
Help Keep the Pressure On!

Duke is one of the state’s biggest global warming polluters and has only invested in about 3% clean energy, the least of any Indiana utility.  Duke’s carbon pollution is heating up the planet and pushing us closer to tipping points.  And they have the nerve to ask for a huge rate hike that keeps burning fossil fuels and doesn’t have any new clean energy? Let’s face it; Duke wields substantial influence over the Indiana General Assembly and the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).  This lack of competition, accountability and oversight has allowed the Duke monopoly to shape energy policy and pricing with little regard for coal ash waste and air, water and climate pollution. At this point in the regulatory process, the IURC has received public comment and the OUCC recommendation that 62% of Duke’s proposed rate hike is not justified.  Please read on to see how we can and must keep the pressure on…

Watch the YouTube Livestream
Starting this Thursday and Friday, 9am – 4pm, the IURC will hold several days of hearings to ask Duke about the rate hike. We are asking you to watch these proceedings on YouTube Livestream to let the commissioners know that customers are watching and are counting on them to heavily scrutinize Duke’s request. Even watching a portion of the time will make a difference, and once the agenda is available, we’ll highlight key moments for you to watch. Please sign-up here so our friends at Sierra Club can send you the Youtube Livestream link and dates.

Native Plant Sale
This Sat. Aug 31, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., join the Indiana Native Plant Society at Holliday Park Nature Center for a native plant sale, with over 1,000 plants. This plant sale is an opportunity to connect with fellow nature nerds and support the INPS. Learn more.

You’re Invited  
You’re invited to participate in a virtual focus group to share your food values, what is working and what an ideal food system looks like. The Indiana Food Vision needs your input to develop a strategic road map for equitable food systems.  RSVP for the meeting on Monday, Sept 9, 5:30 p.m. and if you can’t make the meeting, please take the survey.

Circular Economy Conference
If you’re passionate about reduce, reuse, recycle and composting, you’ll love this conference.  On Tues, Sept.10, join Circular Indiana to learn from sustainability professionals about advancing circular economy thinking and practices. Learn more and RSVP.

WASTED – Reduce your food waste
Did you know food waste causes over half of America’s landfill methane emissions.  Join us on Thurs, Sept. 19, 6 p.m. at the Carmel Library to learn simple ways to reduce your food waste, including composting at home and compost collection service. Read more and  RSVP.

Environment & Spirituality Summit
On Sunday, Sept. 22, join Faith In Place for the Environment and Spirituality Summit to delve into how spiritual practices can guide caring for Mother Earth to create a healthier world for all. The summit includes a virtual option. Learn more and RSVP.

Easy Ways to Go Green
Make sustainability your top priority. Everything we do impacts our earth in some way. Change habits that will improve our environment. We can do this together!  Here’s how to calculate your household carbon footprint and some easy ways to go green.

100% of your membership supports CGI’s many free programs. Become a member today 🙂   

Leslie Webb
Carmel Green Initiative 
Become a member!